Sue Yan, Mu Class
“It came as a surprise to many when they heard that I was going to graduate in the spring. I didn’t originally plan on graduating a year early but after taking summer classes, I realized that I could. My biggest motivators for graduating early are because I plan on attending graduate school, international student tuition is really expensive, and I also need a break before taking the CPA, GRE, and the Chartered Financial Analyst exams. During this past year that I’ve been inactive for APO, I’ve been interning at an accounting firm in downtown Santa Barbara. I work 10-20 hours a week and I have grown a lot as a person within this past year. The most important lesson I’ve learned is that if you make a mistake, you have to face those problems and fix them. When I first started interning, I made some stupid mistakes, like entering the wrong routing number, and I remember feeling like I wanted to run away and disappear. But you can’t do that, you have to own up to your mistakes. It’s okay to make mistakes, but you have to be responsible and figure out a solution for your mistake. For me, I had to address the problem by explaining why a payment was delayed and resolve the issue by apologizing to clients and co-workers. Despite not being active, I’m very thankful to the friends that I’ve made in APO that still reach out to me. I’m happy to have found a home away from home.” - Sue Yan, Mu Class | Humans of Psi